Open hours

*Scroll down for important information.*


Monday to Friday

9am - 5pm


Lunch break:



Contact us


University of Gloucestershire
Hardwick Campus
St Pauls Road
GL50 4BS


Follow us on: Facebook YouTube


Any questions or queries, please contact



- Some kit might be visible on our store but not bookable. If you experience this, please speak to a member of staff at the store, as you may simply need an induction into that piece of kit in order to be able to book it out. 

- Certain kit is reserved for particular courses or only available to book at different Levels of your course. This kit won't be bookable, and may not appear in your search because of this. Please speak to a member of staff at the store if you wish to discuss any item in particular. 



REMINDER: Bookings are automatically cancelled after an hour if not picked up so please get in touch if you are running late or need to reschedule. 



  • If you require studio booking longer than 2 hours, please consult it with the stores staff first for approval. Bookings longer than 2 hours/multiple bookings within a day will not be automatically approved.
  • Please, cancel any studio booking that you cannot attend as soon as possible on the system or via email.
  • Studio bookings starting or ending after 5pm are out of hours and will require additional forms. Please contact the stores for more details. Without the forms, access to the studio equipment after 5pm will not be granted.


  • I agree to the safekeeping of the items in my request and will return all items by the time and date specified.
  • Any loss or damage to the equipment may result in a claim from the University for reimbursement of the full replacement or repair costs.*
  • Equipment must not be left unattended at any time.
  • I have completed a risk assessment.
  • Where the risks have been found to be greater than the 'normal hazard', the risk assessment has been referred to and signed by my tutor.

*It is advisable to have insurance that covers equipment damage or loss. We recommend checking your or your parents' existing household insurance for details.